Adv1="Copyright(C) 2003-2005 OPANDA Studio, All rights reserved.",
Adv2=PowerExif Editor -- the best choice to edit EXIF data in images,
Adv3="DigitalFilm -- Professional photographic reversal film effect simulator(Fujifilm Velvia RVP, Kodak T-Max100)",
Adv4="PhotoFilter -- Excellent emluator about 156 kinds of filters of Kodak, Cokin && HOYA",
Filename=File name:\r\n
CacheFileNoExist=No file can be edited. Current file is empty, or there isn't temporary file of the opened image file in web.
InstallEditor=Editing EXIF data required Opanda PowerExif Editor,\r\n\r\nYou can download it from, do you want to learn about PowerExif Editor && download it?
LicensedTo=This product is licensed to:
Username="Username: "
SerialNo="Serial No: "
RegisterCode="Register Code: "
ViewZoomIn=Zoom in
ViewZoomOut=Zoom out
ViewFullSize=Original size
ViewFitSize=Fit size
ViewPrintSize=Print size
EditSnap100=100% size
EditSnap50=50% size
EditSelectAll=Select &All
;End of new about V2.0 ===================================
NoFileOrURL=Unspecified local file name or web image link
FileNoFind=Cannot find image file form "Temporary Internet Files"
FindFileFail=Failure to find for the file.
ImageNoExif=No Exif information in the image
NoSupportTiff=System doesn't support TIFF Exif format temporarily.
NoSupportRaw=System doesn't support Raw Exif format temporarily.
DocumentNoReady=System isn't ready to receive user's directive.
ReadFileFail=Failure to read the file.
NoSourceFile=Cannot find the original file and cannot save it!
SaveFileFail=Failure to save the file.
NoSetExifEditor=The Exif Editor program isn't appointed, please set it in the "Options" dialog.
RestarNC=If Netscape is running, please restart it
RestarIE=If Internet Explorer is running, please restart it
RestarAfterSetLang=After choose one language version, please restart the program.
InvalidIExif=Attention: The IExif program running in your computer is illegal version. In order to keep your computer safely, please visit author's website and download the newest version! \n\n URL:\nE-mail:
DocIsEmpty=No image file is opened.
NoExifFormatS=The image file doesn't support Exif information
OnlyProVersionS=The function must be supported by IExifPro version. Please visit to get it.
NoGPSLocation=The image doesn't include GPS information and it cannot be located. \r\n\r\n\r\nIf you want to add or modify GPS data for the image, please use Opanda PowerExif Editor.
PartGPSLocation=The image is short of indispensable GPS information and it cannot be located. \r\n\r\n\r\nIf you want to add or modify GPS data for the image, please use Opanda PowerExif Editor.
InvalidGPSLocation=The image includes incorrect GPS information and it cannot be located. \r\n\r\n\r\nIf you want to add or modify GPS data for the image, please use Opanda PowerExif Editor.